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Texas House District 12 election

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Placeholder for a missing image of person.
Placeholder for a missing image of person.
Placeholder for a missing image of person.
Placeholder for a missing image of person.

Money involved in this election

Placeholder for a missing image of person.
Craig Goldman
Placeholder for a missing image of person.
John O'Shea
Placeholder for a missing image of person.
Shellie Gardner
Placeholder for a missing image of person.
Clint Dorris
Placeholder for a missing image of person.
Trey Hunt
Placeholder for a missing image of person.
Anne Henley
Placeholder for a missing image of person.
Sebastian Gehrig
Raised by candidate
Outside spending to support
Outside spending to oppose
Crypto spending

Spending by cryptocurrency-focused committees

Defend American Jobs

Total spending: $725,091
  • $725,091 to support Craig Goldman in the primary runoff

Cryptocurrency-related companies or individuals associated with the industry have also supported candidates in this race more directly, without going through the cryptocurrency-focused PACs.

Other spending from the industry

Other support to a candidate may exceed the amounts shown in the “Money involved in this election” chart if funds have been contributed to a super PAC aligned with a candidate, but the PAC has not yet spent the funds.


No known ads related to this election.
These are mostly tracked by hand, and so some advertisements may be missing. Have you seen a cryptocurrency PAC-funded advertisement pertaining to this election? Send it in!